Transcr ipt of Apple CEO Tim Cook"s commencement address at Tulane University
Hello Tulane! Thank you President Fitts, Provost Forman, distinguished faculty, other faculty (laughs), and the entire Tulane family, including the workers, ushers, (and) volunteers who prepared this beautiful space. And I feel duty-bound to also recognize the hard-working bartenders at The Boot. Though they"re not here with us this morning, I"m sure some of you are reflecting on their contributions as well. (The Boot is a popular college bar right next to Tulane"s campus which has been around for decades.)
你好,杜兰大学!感谢菲茨校长、福尔曼教务长、尊敬的教职员工、其他教职员工[笑]以及整个杜兰大家庭,包括为这个美丽的讲堂做准备的工作人员、引座员和志愿者。我觉得我有责任也称赞一下在The Boot工作的辛勤的调酒师。虽然他们今天早上没有和我们在一起,但我相信你们中的一些人也在反思他们的贡献。[The Boot是一家受欢迎的大学酒吧,紧挨着杜兰大学校园,已经存在了几十年了。]
And just as many of you have New Orleans in your veins, and perhaps your livers, some of us at Apple have New Orleans in our blood as well. When I was a student at Auburn, the Big Easy was our favorite getaway. It"s amazing how quickly those 363 miles fly by when you"re driving toward a weekend of beignets and beer. And how slowly they go in the opposite direction. Apple"s own Lisa Jackson is a proud Tulane alum. Yes. She brought the Green Wave all the way to Cupertino where she heads our environment and public policy work. We"re thrilled to have her talent and leadership on our team.
就像你们中很多人的血管里也许还有肝脏里有新奥尔良一样,我们苹果公司的一些人的血液里也有新奥尔良。当我还是奥本大学的学生的时候,我们最喜欢的度假胜地是Big Easy。非常神奇的是,当你在周末开车驶向这个胜地,想象着甜甜圈和啤酒的时候,363英里的距离似乎一闪而过;而当你返程时,路途却显得那么遥远。苹果的员工丽莎-杰克逊(LisaJackson)是一位令人骄傲的杜兰大学校友。是。她把绿色浪潮一路带到了库比蒂诺,在那里她领导着我们的环境和公共政策工作。我们很高兴她能在我们的队伍中发挥才华和进行领导。
OK, enough about us. Let"s talk about you. At moments like this, it always humbles me to watch a community come together to teach, mentor, advise, and finally say with one voice, congratulations to the class of 20xx!
Now there"s another very important group: your family and friends. The people who, more than anyone else, loved, supported, and even sacrificed greatly to help you reach this moment. Let"s give them a round of applause. This will be my first piece of advice. You might not appreciate until much later in your life how much this moment means to them. Or how that bond of obligation, love, and duty between you matters more than anything else.
In fact, that"s what I really want to talk to you about today. In a world where we obsessively document our own lives, most of us don"t pay nearly enough attention to what we owe one another. Now this isn"t just about calling your parents more, although I"m sure they"d be grateful if you did that. It"s about recognizing that human civilization began when we realized that we could do more together. That the threats and danger outside the flickering firelight got smaller when we got bigger. And that we could create more - more prosperity, more beauty, more wisdom, and a better life - when we acknowledge certain shared truths and acted collectively.
Maybe I"m biased, but I"ve always thought the South, and the Gulf Coast in particular, have hung on to this wisdom better than most. (Tim Cook grew up in Robertsdale, Alabama, which is about an hour from New Orleans and is similarly close to the Gulf of Mexico.) In this part of the country, your neighbors check up on you if they haven"t heard from you in a while. Good news travels fast because your victories are their victories too. And you can"t make it through someone"s front door before they offer you a home-cooked meal.
Maybe you haven"t thought about it very much, but these values have informed your Tulane education too. Just look at the motto: not for one"s self, but for one"s own. You"ve been fortunate to live, learn, and grow in a city where human currents blend into something magical and unexpected. Where unmatched beauty, natural beauty, literary beauty, musical beauty, cultural beauty, seem to spring unexpectedly from the bayou. The people of New Orleans use two tools to build this city: the unlikely and the impossible. Wherever you go, don"t forget the lessons of this place. Life will always find lots of ways to tell you no, that you can"t, that you shouldn"t, that you"d be better off if you didn"t try. But New Orleans teaches us there is nothing more beautiful or more worthwhile than trying. Especially when we do it not in the service of one"s self, but one"s own.
For me, it was that search for greater purpose that brought me to Apple in the first place. I had a comfortable job at a company called Compaq that at the time looked like it was going to be on top forever. As it turns out, most of you are probably too young to even remember its name. But in 1998, Steve Jobs convinced me to leave Compaq behind to join a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy. They made computers, but at that moment at least, people weren"t interested in buying them. Steve had a plan to change things. And I wanted to be a part of it.
It wasn"t just about the iMac, or the iPod, or everything that came after. It was about the values that brought these inventions to life. The idea that putting powerful tools in the hands of everyday people helps unleash creativity and move humanity forward. That we can build things that help us imagine a better world and then make it real.
There"s a saying that if you do what you love, you"ll never work a day in your life. At Apple, I learned that"s a total crock. You"ll work harder than you ever thought possible, but the tools will feel light in your hands. As you go out into the world, don"t waste time on problems that have been solved. Don"t get hung up on what other people say is practical. Instead, steer your ship into the choppy seas. Look for the rough spots, the problems that seem too big, the complexities that other people are content to work around. It"s in those places that you will find your purpose. It"s there that you can make your greatest contribution. Whatever you do, don"t make the mistake of being too cautious. Don"t assume that by staying put, the ground won"t move beneath your feet. The status quo simply won"t last. So get to work on building something better.
In some important ways, my generation has failed you in this regard. We spent too much time debating. We"ve been too focused on the fight and not focused enough on progress. And you don"t need to look far to find an example of that failure. Here today, in this very place, in an arena where thousands once found desperate shelter from a 100-year disaster, the kind that seem to be happening more and more frequently, I don"t think we can talk about who we are as people and what we owe to one another without talking about climate change.
(applause) Thank you. Thank you.
This problem doesn"t get any easier based on whose side wins or loses an election. It"s about who has won life"s lottery and has the luxury of ignoring this issue and who stands to lose everything. The coastal communities, including some right here in Louisiana, that are already making plans to leave behind the places they"ve called home for generations and head for higher ground. The fishermen whose nets come up empty. The wildlife preserves with less wildlife to preserve. The marginalized, for whom a natural disaster can mean enduring poverty.
Just ask Tulane"s own Molly Keogh, who"s getting her Ph.D. this weekend. Her important new research shows that rising sea levels are devastating areas of Southern Louisiana more dramatically than anyone expected. Tulane graduates, these are people"s homes. Their livelihoods. The land where their grandparents were born, lived, and died.
问问杜兰大学的莫莉·基奥(Molly Keogh)就知道了,她这个周末就要拿到博士学位了。她的一项重要新研究表明,海平面上升对路易斯安那州南部地区造成的破坏比任何人预想的都要严重。杜兰大学的毕业生们,这些地方都是人们的家园、他们的生计、他们祖父母出生、生活和去世的地方。
When we talk about climate change or any issue with human costs, and there are many, I challenge you to look for those who have the most to lose and find the real, true empathy that comes from something shared. That is really what we owe one another. When you do that, the political noise dies down, and you can feel your feet firmly planted on solid ground. After all, we don"t build monuments to trolls, and we"re not going to start now.
If you find yourself spending more time fighting than getting to work, stop and ask yourself who benefits from all the chaos. There are some who would like you to believe that the only way that you can be strong is by bulldozing those who disagree or never giving them a chance to say their peace in the first place. That the only way you can build your own accomplishments is by tearing down the other side.
We forget sometimes that our preexisting beliefs have their own force of gravity. Today, certain algorithms pull toward you the things you already know, believe, or like, and they push away everything else. Push back. It shouldn"t be this way. But in 20xx, opening your eyes and seeing things in a new way can be a revolutionary act. Summon the courage not just to hear but to listen. Not just to act, but to act together.
It can sometimes feel like the odds are stacked against you, that it isn"t worth it, that the critics are too persistent and the problems are too great. But the solutions to our problems begin on a human scale with building a shared understanding of the work ahead and with undertaking it together. At the very least, we owe it to each other to try.
It"s worked before. In 1932, the American economy was in a free-fall. Twelve million people were unemployed, and conventional wisdom said the only thing to do was to ride it out, wait, and hope that things would turn around. But the governor of New York, a rising star named Franklin Roosevelt, refused to wait. He challenged the status quo and called for action. He needed people to stop their rosy thinking, face the facts, pull together, and help themselves out of a jam.
这样的方式在之前曾成功过。1932年,当时的美国经济一落千丈,有1200万人失业。传统观点认为,我们能做的就是撑过这段时间、等待,并希望情况会有所好转。但当时政途冉冉升起的纽约州州长富兰克林o罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt,后就任美国第32任总统,美国历连任超过两届的总统)拒绝等待。他敢于挑战现状,呼吁采取行动。他呼吁人们停止继续抱有乐观的想法,面对现实、齐心协力,帮助自己摆脱困境。
He said: "The country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it and try another. But above all, try something."
This was a speech to college students fearful about their future in an uncertain world. He said: "Yours is not the task of making your way in the world, but the task of remaking the world."
The audacious empathy of young people, the spirit that says we should live not just for ourselves, but for our own. That"s the way forward. From climate change to immigration, from criminal justice reform to economic opportunity, be motivated by your duty to build a better world. Young people have changed the course of history time and time again. And now it"s time to change it once more.
I know, I know the urgency of that truth is with you today. Feel big because no one can make you feel small. Feel brave because the challenges we face are great but you are greater. And feel grateful because someone sacrificed to make this moment possible for you. You have clear eyes and a long life to use them. And here in this stadium, I can feel your courage.
Call upon your grit. Try something. You may succeed. You may fail. But make it your life"s work to remake the world because there is nothing more beautiful or more worthwhile than working to leave something better for humanity.
Thank you very much, and congratulations class of 20xx!
My dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.
My dream is to become a teacher.you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting.i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day.and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge.They might become stronger and cleverer because of me.
That is a very contented feeling.china is a developing country.
Chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent.so teachers in china might be very very important.They can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place.
Do you think that i have a good dream? I will work hard to make my dream become true! thanks
Beggars Today
Beggars are one of the most familiar groups in every city. They accompany us from our childhood until now, and I"ve found both the beggars and I change in this journey.
Years ago as a little girl, when I came across some old and disabled beggars on the road, I"d donate some pocket money to them, happily thinking I was helping.
s I have grown older, I"ve found the number of beggars has grown larger and they are more diverse. They appear in every corner of the city, on the overbridge, on the street, near restaurants, and even at your door. In contrast with the old days, it seems like the situation with beggars today is more complicated, which has made me hesitate before deciding whether to help them or not.
It"s hard for me to give them money considering some who appear beggars in day time but dress up and go to fancy restaurants at night; and some who are controlled by some illegal organization and the money they get all goes to the organization. If I help them, I"d be making the problem worse, I"d be doing harm to the society, indirectly. But it"s also hard not to give them money, considering there"re real beggars who really need help. If I don"t help them, who will? And where is my sympathy?
What hurts me the most is not how hard it is to distinguish the real help-seekers from the many false ones, but that some children are forced by adults, sometimes even their parents, to beg. They grow up despised by the world, out of mainstream society. When I see their eyes filled with desperation and impudence instead of purity and innocence, my heart sinks. We don"t know how they will face the world when they grow up, how this will shape their characters, and what they may do to the society, to perpetuate this cycle of violence.
Months ago the Fu Jian government has promulgated a new policy to deal with 8 kinds of beggars. An internet survey shows that over 80% of voters reacted positively toward the policy. We know that one single policy cannot solve a problem as complex as this one, but we do look forward to some improvement. I wish all humanity can live like human.
the poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. i said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.
love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like绿茵propped up the sky. love is a force, is a wealth. we should be in the hearts of young sow the seeds of love. let us be thankful for, the institute of thanksgiving. thanksgiving with a heart to face life, in the face of learning, in the face of setbacks, thereby experience parents, teachers, classmates and friends of selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of tu, when yongquan of" the real meaning.
thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the chinese nation, build a socialist harmonious society needs. guangdong lawyer tian, in order to return the mother’s kindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney to restore the mother’s life; xu yu return to the community of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke into穷乡僻壤the thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the children ...
appreciate your birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the people, because they give you strength; grateful for your education, because they kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens your legs; grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything grateful, institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up!
students, and a song called "thank you": i thank the moon lit up the night sky, thanks to the dawn zhaoxia endorse for the spring snow melt for the land feeding the people, to thank his mother for giving me life ... thank harvest for peace for all of this all all.
爱,像火种点着心灵的期望; 爱,像绿茵撑起心灵的天空。爱,是一种力气,是一种财富。咱们应该从小在心中撒播爱的种子。让咱们心存感谢,学会感恩。用一颗感恩的心去面临日子,面临学习,面临波折,然后领会爸爸妈妈,师长,同学,朋友间忘我的亲情,友谊,"懂得滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”的实在内在.
Dear students:How are you!
In the previous several eams, I have gained good results, first of all thanks to my efforts, of course, learning is also very important. Net, I gave you about my learning eperience.I feel good in order to learn first-come interested in learning. As the saying goes: "Interest is the best teacher."
With interest will be motivated to learn, the more naturally learn better. Second, in order to improve learning, we must master the correct way to learn, learn to digest, giving top priority, this is the most important. In learning, our minds must have three words - "Why!" Smart people know that; wise men know to listen to; smart people know to ask. The last is sure to be hard work, this is the most important, even Thomas Edison said "Genius needs ninety-nine percent perspiration."School should seriously lectures, and pay attention to more independent thinking, do not know want to ask, to eercise their thinking skills. Careful and meticulous to teacher assignments, must not be careless.
There is, to take notes, preview before clathe best, first have a preliminary understanding of the tet, which for the net clacan more easily absorb. After-school must also be reviewed, and consolidate the knowledge about good teachers, and lay a solid foundation.
The ancients have said: "Reviewing the Old, to be a teacher." Not also the truth? Best to pay attention to work and rest. Only care about the death of reading is of no use to let my mind rela properly for the job such as playing baseball, listening to music, watch TV news.Finally, I want to say "do not you go stronger than others, then you have to and they are better than weak, you challenged yourself to stay on a par before himself, and you will reap better than others."I finished the speech Thank you!
This is a principle which must be upheld without any , I wish to report to you that my talks with the government have been aimed at normalizing the political situation in the country. We have not as yet begun discussing the basic demands of the struggle. I wish to stress that I myself have at no time entered into negotiations about the future of our country except to insist on a meeting between the ANC and the has gone further than any other Nationalist President in taking real steps to normalize the situation. However, there are further steps, as outlined in the Harare Declaration, that have to be met before negotiations on the basic demands of our people can begin.
Negotiations cannot take place — Negotiations cannot take place above the heads or behind the backs of our people. It is our belief that the future of our country can only be determined by a body which is democratically elected on a nonacial basis. Negotiations on the dismantling of apartheid will have to address the overwhelming demands of our people for a democratic, nonacial and unitary South Africa. And this reality is that we are still suffering under the policies of the Nationalist , so that the process towards democracy is rapid and uninterrupted. We have waited too long for our freedom. We can no longer wait.
Now is the time to intensify the struggle on all fronts. To relax our efforts now would be a mistake which generations to come will not be able to role in a united democratic and non瞨acial South Africa is the only way to peace and racial harmony. In conclusion, I wish to quote my own words during my trial in 19xx. They are as true today as they were then. I spoke: I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and — and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.
There is a hot discuss about the problem of “work to life or life to work”.Some people hold the view of“work to life”,but some of the people think that we are lifing to work.So whether consider which statement is correct,I have to say,everyone should stick a balance work and life.
Maybe most people have a work,but only a little part of people have a satisfying work.Therefore,in order to find a balance in life and work,we can work carefully and efficient,then finish the tasks on time. After work everyday,we should spend more time with family,eat together,go out for a work or waching TV together and so on.Only in this way can we not keep the bad relationship with family members because of work.What’s more,we can also use the vacation days to go to travel with family,friends or colleagues.So,on the one hand,we can relaxing ourselves from the nervous work.And on the other hand,we can get along well with others and keep the balance between work and life.In a word,we have to work,but we should enjoy work,even the enjoyment that work boring to us.
Generally speaking,having a good work and life balance means that your actions and priorities are aligned in a way that is taking care of what is really important to you.We can work in life and life in work.
Dear teachers and students:
The title of my speech is "what college education means to me". Now recalling the past two and a half years of college life, I began to realize how much it had affected me.
In addition, college education has also provided me with a precise compass - a sense of social responsibility. How can I serve the public to the greatest extent while realizing my self-worth? My one-year experience as a part-time English teacher has proved that if I want to be valuable to society and find my own position, I must have certain strength and the ability to play a role in the most challenging environment. In the busy schedule of balancing club activities, sports and academic courses, I felt the rhythm and beauty in the intensity of high pitched life, and knew that I was on the right path.
More importantly, university education has not only established a single ship, but also a fleet with common destinations. Through communicating with like-minded friends, I learned the skills of getting along with others.
Now, as a ship about to start my maiden voyage, I can"t say what"s waiting for me in front of me, but with a powerful propeller, an accurate compass and a passionate partner sailing in the ocean of society, I"m ready to become a great ocean explorer.
thank you!
someone said we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite. i donsquo;t know who wrote these words, but isquo;ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.
we are young. how to spend the youth? it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask what do you understand by the word youth? youth is not a time of life, itsquo;s a state of mind. itsquo;s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. itsquo;s the matter of the will. itsquo;s the freshneof the deep spring of life.
a poet said to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. isquo;d like to share it with all of you. letsquo;s show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. i have a short line of life.
what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, letsquo;s make a fist. where is our future?
where is our love, career, and life? tell me.yeah, it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves.
we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. donsquo;t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. from the past, wesquo;ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. wesquo;ve learnt that we cansquo;t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. failure doesnsquo;t mean you donsquo;t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. failure doesnsquo;t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.
as what i said at the beginning, we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite. the past has gone. nothing we do will change it. but the future is in front of us. believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. and from today on, letsquo;s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out we are the world, we are the future.
good morning , ladies and gentmen it is great honour to speak here .i value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much.to be honest i felt rather nervous.i can still remember when i made my first speech in college.i ev en couldnt control my breath . .because i really didnt know what to say at that time .well- today, being an english teacher for some years in zhongxin, i have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. after being an english teacher, i think, to be a good english teacher, you should know your major well.your personality is as important as your knowledge. a good english teacher must be enthusiastic.you must love your students and respect them.in addition, you must also respect yourself and take pride in your work.a good english teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and you should motivate your students to seek knowledge. ill tell you a true story, last year, a boy named liulei came to our cla, he looked so quiet, no age childrens lively and cheerful, he didnt dare to answer the question loudly, when i asked him to do the dialogue in front, he even had a big cry .and he didnt dare to see anyone ,whose voice low like a whisper, i am well aware that he lacked of confidence and neceary encouragement .so, then i give the opportunity to him for each cla , and i encouraged him to say: jake you have been done better than last time, and i also make the clamates to applaud him, i also told his mother to encourage him when seeing his progre, day by day , i am surprised to find the child really progreed, now he can put up hands to answer a question activly ,whats more, he can take part in the game, performance has been greatly improved.his mother was pleased to tell me her child progreed .every time, after school he always chatter without stopping told her that what he learned in zhongxin , and the performance is greatly improved, as his teacher was really excited for his progre, i realized the unprecedented : [?npresid?ntid)achievement! this sense of achievement is no substitute. in bible,it says: love is patient; love is kind; .it does not insist on its own way; it bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.love never ends. grow up,use love to bring them bright sunshine, use love to improve my life value,that is what i want to do. if there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, i won’t choose anything except being an english teacher. i enjoy my job, and i love my life.thats all .thank you for listening!
上午好女士们先生们 我非常荣幸站在这里,我珍惜这次和这么多优秀老师一起分享教学经验的机会,说实话我还是有点紧张,我记得我的第一次演讲还是在大学的时候,我甚至无法控制我的呼吸,因为那时我不知道说些什么. 今天,作为中信的一名多年的教师,我有种强烈的责任感,那使我充满了力量和信心。
Good morning teachers y I’m very happy to make a speech here name is Lenglinxuan I’m 12. I come from Class 1 Grade 6 of Henglu Primary School. Now I’ll start my speech my dream. Everyone has his own dream. Some want to be doctors. Others hope to be writes. But my dream is to become a teacher. Because I admire teachers hers can not teach us many things at school,but they do their best to teach us how to learn. Thanks to them,we learn knowledge. And at the same time,we learn how to live a happy life. They spend most time on their students. They are great in my heart. I know it is not easy to make my dream come true. Zhang haidi aunt once said:
"everyone"s life is a boat,and ideal is the boat sails." If,say,ideal is a boat to successful,so,I"ll take good rudder. From now on I decide to study harder. I’m sure my dream will come true. My speech is over k you for listening.
I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason to go to the P.O. box at the end of the day, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed in email, in Facebook, in texting or cell phones in general. And so while other kids were BBM-ing their parents, I was literally waiting by the mailbox to get a letter from home to see how the weekend had gone, which was a little frustrating when Grandma was in the hospital, but I was just looking for some sort of scribble, some unkempt cursive from my mother.
And so when I moved to New York City after college and got completely sucker-punched in the face by depression, I did the only thing I could think of at the time. I wrote those same kinds of letters that my mother had written me for strangers, and tucked them all throughout the city, dozens and dozens of them. I left them everywhere, in cafes and in libraries, at the U.N., everywhere. I blogged about those letters and the days when they were necessary, and I posed a kind of crazy promise to the Internet: that if you asked me for a hand-written letter, I would write you one, no questions asked. Overnight, my inbox morphed into this harbor of heartbreak -- a single mother in Sacramento, a girl being bullied in rural Kansas, all asking me, a 22-year-old girl who barely even knew her own coffee order, to write them a love letter and give them a reason to wait by the mailbox.
Well, today I fuel a global organization that is fueled by those trips to the mailbox, fueled by the ways in which we can harness social media like never before to write and mail strangers letters when they need them most, but most of all, fueled by crates of mail like this one, my trusty mail crate, filled with the scriptings of ordinary people, strangers writing letters to other strangers not because they"re ever going to meet and laugh over a cup of coffee, but because they have found one another by way of letter-writing.
But, you know, the thing that always gets me about these letters is that most of them have been written by people that have never known themselves loved on a piece of paper. They could not tell you about the ink of their own love letters. They"re the ones from my generation, the ones of us that have grown up into a world where everything is paperless, and where some of our best conversations have happened upon a screen. We have learned to diary our pain onto Facebook, and we speak swiftly in 140 characters or less.
But what if it"s not about efficiency this time? I was on the subway yesterday with this mail crate, which is a conversation starter, let me tell you. If you ever need one, just carry one of these. (Laughter) And a man just stared at me, and he was like, "Well, why don"t you use the Internet?" And I thought, "Well, sir, I am not a strategist, nor am I specialist. I am merely a storyteller." And so I could tell you about a woman whose husband has just come home from Afghanistan, and she is having a hard time unearthing this thing called conversation, and so she tucks love letters throughout the house as a way to say, "Come back to me. Find me when you can." Or a girl who decides that she is going to leave love letters around her campus in Dubuque, Iowa, only to find her efforts ripple-effected the next day when she walks out onto the quad and finds love letters hanging from the trees, tucked in the bushes and the benches. Or the man who decides that he is going to take his life, uses Facebook as a way to say goodbye to friends and family. Well, tonight he sleeps safely with a stack of letters just like this one tucked beneath his pillow, scripted by strangers who were there for him when.
These are the kinds of stories that convinced me that letter-writing will never again need to flip back her hair and talk about efficiency, because she is an art form now, all the parts of her, the signing, the scripting, the mailing, the doodles in the margins. The mere fact that somebody would even just sit down, pull out a piece of paper and think about someone the whole way through, with an intention that is so much harder to unearth when the browser is up and the iPhone is pinging and we"ve got six conversations rolling in at once, that is an art form that does not fall down to the Goliath of "get faster," no matter how many social networks we might join. We still clutch close these letters to our chest, to the words that speak louder than loud, when we turn pages into palettes to say the things that we have needed to say, the words that we have needed to write, to sisters and brothers and even to strangers, for far too long. Thank you. (Applause) (Applause)
good afternoon!
honorable judges,dear teachers and close ’m very glad to standhere to share my speech with y i’m going to talk about dreams.
everyone has a dream.
martin luther king had a dream-and we can all recall his civil rightsknight had a dream-and now the whole world knows his nike slogan“just doit”!
i also have a dream,but not only a simple one.
when i was in primary school,my dream was that i would be a doctor when igrew ’ll be the first person who produces a new kind of medicine can maketeachers rela when they are busy correcting their students’ eercises andpreparing their use one day when i woke up at midnight,i found my father,asenior chinese teacher,was still busy with his was deeply wish myfather could be healthy and relaed every minute.
now i’m a senior grade two student,all my classmates and i are workinghard,we all know the college entrance eamination which will come in the year ofXis a big problem for must study harder and harder in order to go to a gooduniversity,then when we finish our school,we can find a good job in dream isalso gh now i’m not good at study,i’ll try my best.
i know fantasy is hard to come true,bue dream can.
i’ll work hard for my dreams,i’ll never give up.
thank you!
【吃午饭】:why not have lunch together?我们一起去吃午饭吧!
【下班】:i’m about to get off work.我这就下班了。
【抱歉】:i’m sorry for giving you so much trouble.对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。
【介绍】:let me introduce you to our manager.让我把你介绍给我们的经理。
【开会】:we are going to have a meeting to discuss the matter this afternoon.今天下午开会讨论这件事情。
【请假】:would it be possible for me to take the day off this friday?这个星期五,我是否可以请一天假?
【挂断电话】:thank you for calling.谢谢您打电话来。
【讲话开场白】:i"m going to talk about???今天我要给各位讲讲???
【要名片】:may i have your card ?可以给我一张你的名片吗?
【打断他人前说】:are you busy right now?现在是不是正在忙?
【表示自己不确定】:i can"t say for certain off-hand.我还不能马上确定。
【寒暄】:you’re in the pink!你的气色真好!
【询问项目进度】:is everything going well?事情进展顺利吗?
【询问奖金】:how much of a bonus can i expect?奖金不晓得能领多少?
【没听清】:i couldn"t hear you. beg your pardon?我听不见你说的.话,能再说一遍吗?
【请人帮忙】:excuse me, could you do me a favour?对不起,可以请你帮个忙吗?
【加班】:i just submitted a request for overtime.我刚提交了加班申请.
【请领导签字】:could you sign here, please?请您在这签字。
【汇报开场白】:i"ve divided my presentation into three parts.我的汇报分三个部分。
【电话中请对方稍等】:hold on just a minute.请稍等。
【号召叫外卖】:let"s order take-out.我们叫外卖吧。
【打卡时间】:we are required to punch in at 8 every morning.我们公司规定每天早上8时打上班卡。
【入职培训】:hr organizes orientation training for new employees in the third week of each month.每个月的第三周,人力资源部组织新员工进行入职培训。
There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” that we cannot afford to lose. We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for its intended purpose. If there was no Apple, everyone could not imagine how to contact others easily and enjoy a better Internet surfing. If there was no Microsoft, perhaps we still worked in a dim office and duplicate some troublesome documents. If there was no Newton, and no theory of gravity, maybe I will win the Nobel Prize like Newton rather than just standing here. I have heard that three apple changed the world. The first one seduced Eve. The second one awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs. We sort of think the innovation of the world began with apple. I imagine lots of people want to become another Newton or Jobs right now with just one hand to change the world, right? Have the innovation to follow your heart. It somehow already reflects what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Via questioning, we can start to innovate. Via innovating, we can start to create better lives. No innovation, no improvement. No improvement, no success. And no success, no civilization. Now, our time is limited, so don"t waste it living someone else"s life! Don"t let the noise of others" opinions drown out your own inner voice! Don"t let yourself down! It is the innovation that we cannot afford to lose!