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一、 单词:

look T-shirt they but too big shorts nice trousers dress coat shirt and time clock please OK eleven twelve day how many count thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty


二、 背诵句子:

1、 看那件T-恤。 Look at the T-shirt.

2、 看那件大衣。 Look at the coat.

3、 看那条裙子。 Look at the dress.

4、 看那件衬衫。 Look at the shirt.

5、 我喜欢红色的那个。 I like the red one.

6、 我喜欢白色的那个。 I like the white one.

7、 它们很漂亮。 They are beautiful.

8、 现在几点钟了? What time is it?

9、 现在是11点。 It’s eleven o’clock.

10、 现在是12点。 It’s twelve o’clock.

11、 对不起,我不知道。 Sorry, I don’t know.

12、 请看一看时钟。 Look at the clock, please.

13、 请数一数这些尺子。 Please count the rulers.

14、 这里有多少把尺子? How many rulers are there?

15、 5把尺子 Five rulers.

16、 这里有多少支钢笔? How many pens are there?

17、 13支钢笔。 Thirteen pens.

18、 这里有多少本书? How many books are there?

19、 15本书。 Fifteen books.

20、 这里有多少颗星星? How many stars are there?


三、 作业:(满分133分)

1、 按要求完成一、二项,家长签字:

2、 顺利背诵4、5、6单元A、D部分课文。(背诵并家长签字)

Unit 4 AD Unit 5 AD Unit 6 AD

3、 画四线格,默写字母,从Aa默写到Zz,书写规范。



( ) 1. dad fat

( ) 2.leg he

( ) 3. orange mother

( ) 4. big nine

( ) 5. duck under

二、 选出不同类的单词。

( )1. A. USA B. China C. under

( )2. A. strawberry B. grape C. car

( )3. A. eleven B. giraffe C. rabbit

( )4. A. twelve B. tall C. fat

( )5. A. girl B. mother C. father

( )6. A. in B. under C. fun

( )7. A. thirteen B. twenty C. crayon

( )8. A. box B. orange C. watermelon

( )9. A. bag B. body C. hand

( )10.A. student B. desk C. chair


( ) 1.Have some grapes.

--Sorry,___ .

A.I dont like grapes.   B. I like grapes.

( ) 2. That is Mr. Jones. He is a ____.

A. teacher   B. girl

( ) 3. This is Sarah. She is ________ . She is from __________.

A. a student; the USA   B. student; USA

( ) 4. Is he your brother? No, _______.

A. she isnt   B. he isnt

( ) 5. The elephant has a ___nose and a __ tail.

A. short, long   B. long, short

( ) 6.-- Is the cap in your toy box? -- Yes, ______.

A. it is.   B. he is

( ) 7. I dont like watermelons. Me, _______.

A. neither   B. too

( ) 8.How many _____ do you see? -- I see 12.

A. kites   B. kite

( ) 9. -- ____ is my pencil box? -- Its in your desk.

A. Who   B. Where

( ) 10. -- Where are you from?-- I ____ from Shandong.

A. is   B.am



f e(脸)   m t h(嘴)   bo (身体)   h r(头发)   f t(脚)

m(胳膊)   r (红色)   l (腿)   the (这些)


( )1、A.head B.is C. eye ( )

2、A. this B.bear C.that

( )3、A.ears B.hands C.face ( )

4、A.green B.blue C.nose

( )5、A.leg B.arm C.has


1、brown hair   A.一只漂亮的熊

2、red mouth   B.棕色的头发

3、black nose   C.蓝色的眼睛

4、blue eyes   D.黑色的鼻子

5、a nice bear   E.红色的嘴巴


( )1、The bear a mouth.




( )2、This a dog.

A. is



( )3、Look my toy.




( )4、This is elephant.




( )5、 it have two legs?

Yes,it does. .





一、仿照例子, 按类别把下列单词的字母编号写在相应的表格内

A. soldier B. ambulance C. shorts D. maths E. English F. trousers G. car

H. nurse I. bike J. fireman K. truck L. shoe M. music N. policeman

O. shorts P. P.E


Jobs (职业):

Clothes (衣物):

Subjects (科目):


( )1. ____________ is the jacket? Its fifty yuan.

A. How many B. How much C. Whose

( ) 2.The boy _________ a black cap is my friend.

A. on B.in C.with

( ) 3. I want _____ be a dentist when I grow up.

A. to B. in C.at

( ) 4. Whose coat is it? Its _________.

A. Bens B.black C. Ben

( ) 5. Its time ______ have dinner.

A. to B.for C.at


(  ) 1. How many _______do you have this term(学期)? We have five.

A. subject B. a subject C. subjects D. an subject

(  ) 2. It’s time _______ English. Let’s go to the classroom(教室)。

A. at B. for C. in D. on

(  ) 3. What lessons do you have this morning? We _______ Chinese, Maths and Music.

A. do B. have C. are D. is

(  ) 4. A: Do you have _____ PE lessons this week(星期)? B: Yes, I do.

A. any B. some C. a D. an

(  ) 5.The Science book is _______ the bedroom, ________ the chair.

A. on; in B. in; on C. at; on D. in; in

(  ) 6. __________ a timetable for you.

A. Here B. Here’s C.Here are D.It is

(  ) 7.Art and Science ________ fun.

A.is B. am C. are D. not

(  ) 8.A: How much is the Art book? B: _____________

A It’s five. B They’re four yuan. C. It’s four yuan. D. They are four

(  ) 9.—What ________ do you like? —I like English.It is fun.

A. subject B. subjects C. a subject D. an subject

(  ) 10. —Here are _______ English book and _______ Art book for you. — Thank you.

A.an; a B.a; an C. a; a D.an, an


( )1. Do you _______ any money?

A. has B. are C. have D. had

( )2. He ________ from France.

A. come B. are C. comes D. coming

( )3.Where ________ my shoes?

A. is B. are C. a D. am

( )4.I don’t have so ________ money.

A. much B. many C. are D. to

( )5. Anne’s mother is __________.

A. sweep B. sweeps C. sleep D, sleeping

( )6. I want to __________.

A. playing B. plays C. play D. played

( )7. Autumn is cool ________ nice.

A. and B. or C. for D. With

( ) 8. —What is your name ?

—_____ am Lingling.

A. My B. I C. He D. Me

( ) 9. That puppet has two_____.

A. leg B. hand C. feet D.tooth

( )10. How much the glasses?

A. are B. is C. be D.do


一、 把下列单词翻译成英语:

1.麻烦事   2.口渴的   3.膝盖   4.放(过去式)

5.发烧   6.西瓜   7.牙疼   8.切,割(过去式)

9.手指   10.骑   11.发生   12.药


1.What ______ to you?

A.happen   B.happened   C.happening

2.Daming ______ the watermelon on his bike yesterday.

A.put   B.puts   C.puted

3.Yesterday Sam _______ his bike.

A.fall off   B.falled off   C.fell off

4.I ______ my head last Friday.

A.bump   B.bumped   C.bumpped

5.What did you ____? I ____ thirty biscuits.

A.eat/eat   B.ate/ate   C.eat/ate


1. Shes got ________________(胃疼)

2. Hes got _____________ (牙疼)

3. Ive got _____________ (发烧)

4. Youve got ______________(头疼)


( )1.I ’ m playing ______ my doll.

A. in B. / C. with

( )2.There are many _______ on the river.

A.boat B. boats C. bird

( )3. ______________ ? He will read books.

A. What will you do on Sunday?

B. What will your mother do on Sunday?

C. What will your father do on Sunday?

( )4.On Monday I will go ________ .

A.swim B.swimming C. swiming

( )5.Beijing is _____ than Tianjin.

A.biger B. big C. bigger

( )6.Parrot is a very _____ bird.

A.shy B. naughty C.nice

( )7.Will you play football on Monday?

A. Yes,you will B.No,I will C.No,I wont.

( )8.It will _____ in Taian.

A.hot B. be warm C. be hot

( )9. Is your father taller than Yaoming?

A.Yes, he is B.No,he isn ’ t C.No,I ’ m not.

( )10.Daming is ______ than Amy.

A.older B. younger C.stronger


