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  Module 5 重要词组和句子

  1. 批改学生们的作业 mark the pupils’ homework

  2. 看报纸. read newspapers

  3. 在电视上看电影…… see a film on TV

  4. 洗碟子 wash the dishes

  5. 和我妈妈打电话 call/phone my mother

  6. 请回答我的问题 please answer my questions

  7. 谈论 talk about

  8. 该轮到你/我 It’s your/my turn now.

  9. 帮我妈妈打扫房间 help my Mum clean the rooms

  10. 做一顿大餐 cook a big meal

  11. 画一幅几匹马的图画 paint a picture of some horses

  12. 那几个听起来不同 That sounds different.

  13. 准备明天的课 prepare tomorrow’s lessons

  14. 你的旧学校怎样? What was your old school like?

  还不错。 It was ok.

  15. 和……不同 be different from

  16. 上学迟放学早 start school later and finish earlier

  17. 还有其它吗? Anything else?

  18. 在中午休息之前 before lunch break

  19. 有少一些作业 have less homework

  20. 住在人民路249号 live at 249 Renmin Road

  21. 住在同一栋 live in the same building

  22. 你住在哪一层? Which floor do you live on?

  我住在第十二层。 I live on the twelfth floor.

  23. 从图书馆借书 borrow books from library

  24. 看戏剧表演 go to a play

  25. 他们昨天打扫了教室吗? Did they clean their classroom yesterday?

  没有。 No, they didn’t.

  26. 他们去年住在哪里? Where did they live last year?

  住在天河北238号。 They lived at 238 Tianhe Road North.

  27. 我爸爸昨天晚上没有看电视。My father didn’t watch TV last night.

  28. 今天上午你做什么了? What did you do this morning?

  我做了一个小时作业。 I did my homework for an hour.

  29. Judy在美国时很少作业。 Judy had little homework in America.

  30. 以前你是怎么回家的 ? How did you get home before?

  我走路回家。 I went home on foot.

  Module 6 重要词组和句子

  1、欢迎来到…… Welcome to…

  2、这是我第一次来London This is my first time in London.

  3、这是待在英国最好的时间 This is the best time to be in Britain.

  4、最重要的节日 the most important festival

  5、西方国家最受欢迎的节日 the most popular festival in western countries

  6、圣诞老人给孩子们带来礼物。Father Christmas brings presents to children

  7、迫不及待 can’t wait

  我迫不及待想去北京。 I can’t wait to go to Beijing.

  8、把礼物放在长袜里 put presents in the stocking

  9、装饰圣诞树 decorate the Christmas trees

  10、在万圣节 at Halloween

  11、挨家挨户 go from door to door

  12、不招待就捣乱 trick or treat

  13、索要糖果 ask for sweets

  14、互赠复活节鸡蛋 give each other Easter eggs

  15、戴面具 wear masks

  16、这个女孩看起来像什么?What does this girl look like?

  像个仙女。 She looks like a fairy.

  17、后天 the day after tomorrow

  18、中国新年 the Chinese New Year’s Day

  19、春节 Spring Festival

  20、打扫并装饰房子 clean and decorate our houses

  21、听起来像 sound like

  22、著名的花市 famous Flower Fairs

  23、这是给你的利市 Here’s the lucky money for you.

  24、在春节期间 during Spring Festival

  25、有如此多的食物 There’s so much food.

  26、别客气,随便吃点…吧。 Help yourself to…

  27、我乐意每天吃饺子。 I’d like to eat dumplings every day.

  28、去英国过圣诞 go to Britain for Christmas

  29、呆在中国过春节 stay in China for Spring Festival

  30、A和B的不同之处 the differences between A and B

  31、在中秋节 at Mid-Autumn Festival

  32、在端午节 at Dragon Boat Festival

  33、划龙舟 row dragon boat

  34、相聚 get together

  35、你最喜欢的节日是什么? What’s your favourite festival?

  是中秋节。 My favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival.


