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1.long long ago 很久以前

2. new clothes 新衣服

3.make new clothes for you 为你制作新衣服 make sth for sb

4.show the king his new clothes给皇帝展示新衣服

show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb.

5. tryon 试穿 try onthe coat=try the coat on

try it/them on

6.magic clothes 有魔力的衣服

7.walk through步行穿过

8. in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服

9.shout at sb. 对某人大叫

10. laugh at sb. 对某人大笑

11.look at 看….

12.point at 指向…

13.fit well 非常适合

14. an American cowboy 一个美国牛仔

15. aScottish man 一位苏格兰人

16. tell a story 讲一个故事

17.say a/one sentence 说一句话

18. on the mountain 在山上

19.the next sentence 下一句话

20. live in the house 住在房子里

21.tell the boy a story 给这个男孩讲一个故事 tell sb. sth.

22. itis one’s turn 某人的机会

23. think hard 努力思考

24.have to 不得不 have to do sth.

25. infront of 在….前面(外部) in the front of 在… 前面(内部)

26.walk by 路过

27. be nice to sb. 对某人好

28.look after 照顾

29. turn into 变成


1. Longlong ago, there was a king. 很久很久以前,有一位国王。

2. Theking was happy. 国王很开心。

3. He liked new clothes. 他喜欢新衣服。

4. Twomen visited the king. 两个男人拜访了这位国王。



What aday! 糟糕的一天;忙碌的一天;累人的一天等等(表达的含义很多,根据具体语境来看)这里指“糟糕的一天”

1. the 19th of September 在九月十九号

2. asunny/ windy / rainy day 晴朗的/ 刮风/下雨的一天

3. alot of rain 许多雨(不可数)

4. alot of snow 许多雪(不可数)

5.see/ watch a parrot show 观看一场鹦鹉表演

6. seesome interesting parrots看见一些有趣的鹦鹉

7. aninteresting film 一部精彩的电影

8.become windy and cloudy变成大风和阴天(多云)

9. flykites high in the sky风筝放得高

10.bring some dumplings带来一些饺子

11. bring lunch 带午餐

12.some bread and honey 一些面包和蜂蜜

13. some drinks 一些饮料

14. hungry and thirsty 又饿又渴

15. wet clothes 潮湿的衣服

16.have/ eat our lunch吃我们的午饭

17. black clouds乌云

18.meet me/ him/ her/ them/ you 遇见我/他/ 她/ 他们/ 你

19.look sad/ happy 看起来很伤心/ 开心

20.this morning/ afternoon/ evening 今天早晨/ 下午/ 晚上

21.climb up the hill 爬上山

22. get up at seven 七点起床

23. goto school by bike 骑自行车去上学

24. have a picnic野餐

25.watch a film看电影

26. in the sky在空中

27. all day 一整天

28. goaway 走了

29. lose my kite丢了我的风筝

30.want to know why想要知道为什么

31. what happened出了什么事

32.fly too high飞得太高

33. find it 找到它

34. near the hill 在小山附近

35. inyour diary 在你的日记


1.hold onto it抓紧它

2. fly away飞走了

3.find it near the hill在山的附近找到它

4. in your diary在你的日记里

5.cheer together一起欢呼



A:How’sthe weather today? B: It’s sunny. The weather is sunny.


A;What was the weather like yesterday?

B : Itwas rainy. The weather was rainy.


We sawsome interesting parrots.

4、我们上周日放风筝了。 We flew kites last Sunday.


Hebrought some drinks, bread and honey yesterday.

6、两天前她带来了一些水饺。 She brought somedumplings two days ago.

7、昨天下雨了。 It rained yesterday.

8、 Why do you have it?你怎么会拿到它的?



give-gave lose- lost become- became hold- held

come-came bring- brought buy- brought see- saw

write-wrote can- could find- found meet- met


2、rainy - 下雨的(形容词)

3、snowy- 下雪的(形容词)

rain snow

(1)名词:雨(不可数): a lot of rain (1)名词:雪(不可数): a lot of snow

(2)动词:下雨 (2)动词:下雪


a) Itrained yesterday. 昨天下雨了。

b)Look! It is raining now! 看!现在正在下雨。

c) Itoften rains here. 这儿经常下雨。

d) It’s often rainy.经常下雨了。

3. bybike 骑自行车和 ride a bike 骑自行车的区别:

bybike 属于副词短语,指的是交通方式,比如说别人问,你一般上学用什么交通工具,你回答“I go to school by bike”,

而ride a bike 属于动词短语,指的是动作,别人问你说,你在干吗?你说:“I am riding a bike”(正在骑车)而不能说Iamby bike,因为by bike 是指交通方式。



1. come back to school 返校

2. the National Day holiday 国庆节假期

3. call you 打电话给你

4. visit my aunt拜访我的婶婶

5. Shanghai Museum上海博物馆

6. see many interesting things看见很多有趣的东西

7. go to a farm 去农场

8. near Star Lake 在星湖附近

9. pick some oranges摘一些橙子

10. go fishing去钓鱼

11. catch a big fish抓到一条大鱼

12. Tian’anmen Square天安门广场

13. Palace Museum故宫博物院

14. Summer Palace 颐和园

15. the Great Wall长城

16. pick an orange for me为我摘一个橙子

17. main school holidays学校主要的假期

18. the Easter holiday复活节假期

19. the summer holiday暑假

20. the Christmas holiday圣诞节假期

21. come home late晚回家

22. have a fashion show有一场时装秀

23. love beautiful clothes爱漂亮的衣服

24. be excited about the show 对秀感到激动

25 wear paper clothes 穿纸衣服

26. wear a lot of bottles穿很多瓶子

27. ask about the show询问关于秀的事

28. go well进展顺利

29. at first在开始的时候

30. heavy rain大雨

31. the Car Museum轿车博物馆

32. visit his cousin拜访他的表兄

33. have a birthday party举行一个生日聚会

34. catch a fish for me为我抓一条鱼


catch---caught eat---ate get---got meet---met lose---lost hold---heldfind---found


1. What did you do for theholiday?

2. How was your holiday? It wasgreat fun.

3. Why did you call me?

Because I wanted to give the fish to you.

4. What great fun!

5. It is time for dinner.


1. excited / exciting I’m excited at the exciting running race.



1.then and now过去和现在

2. sixyears ago六年前

3. domany things做很多事

4.write letters to his friends = write to his friends写信给他的朋友

5. inthe office在办公室里

6. usethe telephone使用电话

7.call people打电话给人们

8. amobile phone一部手机

9.call people anywhere随处打电话给人们

10.write/send an email写/发一封电子邮件

11.listen to the radio听收音机

12.watch news on the Internet在网上看新闻

13.read e-books看电子书

14.make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友

15.e-friends from all over the world来自世界各地的网友

16. doshopping = do the shopping = do some shopping = go shopping购物

17.work hard努力工作

18.invent the aeroplane发明飞机

19. anAmerican man一位美国男士

20. aBritish girl一个英国女孩

21.have an English lesson上一节英语课

22.look out of the window朝窗外看

23.listen to me听我说

24. goon继续

25.spell the new words拼写新单词

26.get angry = be angry生气的

27.make a sentence with …用…来造句

28.wait for the answer等待答案

29. aphoto of yourself一张你自己的照片

30.just now刚才

31. amoment ago一会儿以前

32.read newspapers for news看报纸上的新闻

33.buy things from shops从商店买东西

34.use …to… 用…做…

35.readand draw 读和画

36.doshopping on the Internet 在网上购物

37.surfthe Internet 网上冲浪

38.buyme a mobile phone/buy a mobile for me 给我买手机

39.usethe phone to call you 用电话打给你

38.likemaking friends 喜欢交朋友。


1. What day is today? = What day is it today? = What’s the day today?


2. Six years ago, Mike could read and draw, but he could not write.

Now he can do many things. http:// www. xkb1.com


3.He wrote letters a week ago.一周前他写了信。

4.They listened to the radiofor news ,yesterday.


5.The man can call peopleanywhere.这个男人可以在任何地方打电话给人们。

6. My brother could not drawbefore. 我的弟弟以前不会画画。

7. My sister is writing aletter to her friend. 我的妹妹正在给她的朋友写信。




标志词:yesterday, last

Eg: I went to Eric’s party last week.

助动词: did

Eg: Did you go to school yesterday morning?

Be动词:was, were

Eg: Was the dog here just now?


1. +ed (一般动词的过去式直接在动词后面加上ed 即可)

2. +d (以e结尾动词,过去式直接加上d即可)

3. 去y + ied (以y结尾, 并且y旁边没有元音字母的动词,把y变成i, 再加上ed) 4. 动词的不规则变形(以下为常用动词的不规则变形,要牢记这些动词哦!)

【一巧】时间状语(即标志词)巧。一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,恰巧 与表示过去的一些时间状语连用。

1. yesterday或以其构成的短语:yesterday morning(afternoon, evening)等;

2. 由“last+一时间名词”构成的短语:last night, last year (winter, month, week)等;

3. 由“时间段+ago”构成的短语:a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago等;

4. 其它:just now等

5. 由某些表示过去时态的从句等


主语 + 动词过去式 + 宾语或表语。

He worked in Shanghai ten years ago.


a.主语 + didn’t + 动词原形 + 宾语。 (did + not =didn't)

He didn't do morning exercises yesterday.

b.主语 + wasn’t/weren’t +表语。(was + not = wasn't were + not = weren't)

He wasn't an English teacher ten

years ago.


a.Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 宾语 ?

Did you study English in 1990 ?

肯定回答用“Yes, 主语+did.”;


b.Was/Were + 主语 + 表语 ?

Was he a pupil five years ago ?

肯定回答用“Yes, 主语+was/were.”;



a.特殊疑问词 + did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 宾语?

Where did your parents live five years ago?

What did you do last Sunday?

b.特殊疑问词 + were/was + 表语?

Who was at the zoo yesterday?


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