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1. play with 和…玩;

2. thank sb for sth 为某事感谢某人;

3.fromstart toend从开始到结束

4. look at 看一看;

5. come out 出来;

6. in the day在白天;

7. at night 在夜晚;

8. an hour a day 一天一小时;

9. like to do sth / like doing sth 喜欢做某事;

10. live in 住在;

11. learn a lesson 得到教训;

12. gool idea 好主意;

13. how often 多长时间一次;

14. put into 把放进;

15. befrom/ comefrom来自;

16. Chinese stamps中国邮票;

17. lots of / a lot of 许多;

18. need to do sth 需要做某事;

19. a picture of 一张… 的照片;

20. have got 有;

21. tell sb about sth 告诉某人某件事;

22. millions of 无记其数的;

23. how long 多长;

24. how old 多大;

25. in the street 在街上;

26. be differentfrom与…不同;

27. be difficult for sb 对于某人来说很难;

28. the Great Wall 长城;

29. the Summer Palace 颐和园;

30. pen pal 笔友;

31. New York 纽约;

32. hurry up 快点 ;

33. go swimming 去游泳;

34. go to school 上学 ;

35. play basketball 打篮球;

36. draw a picture 画一幅画 ;

37. stay at home 呆在家里 ;

38. watch TV 看电视;

39. in the world 在世界上 ;

40. drink water 喝水


1.come on加油

2.fly a kite放风筝

—flies a kite

3.ride a bike骑自行车

rides a bike

4.fly my kite放我的风筝

5.ride my bike骑我的自行

6.play foot ball踢足球

7.play basketball打篮球

8.at a party在(一个)聚会上

9.this shirt这件衬衫

10.these shoes这双鞋

11.these trousers这条裤子

12.these clothes这些衣服

13.get up起床

14.go to school上学

15.have lunch吃午餐

16.play football踢足球

17.go home回家

18.go to bed上床睡觉

19.on Sundays在星期天

20.at the park在公园

21.go to the park去公园

22.in the sky在天上

23.big city大城市by bike骑自行车

24.by car坐小汽车by bus乘公汽

25.by train乘火车

26.by ship/by boat乘船

27.walk to school走着去学校

28.go to work上班

29.on holiday度假

30.go to the zoo去动物园

31.go to the farm去农场

32.go to Beijing去北京

33.go to China去中国

34.this weekend这个周末

35.at the weekend在周末

36.Have a good weekend!周末愉快!

37.watch TV看电视→watches TV

38.read books→read sbooks读书

39.gos wimming→goes swimming去游泳

40.play with Amy和Amy一起玩

41.play the piano弹钢琴

42.listen to music听音乐

43.listen to CDs听光盘.

44.play the drums敲鼓

45.It’s spring.现在是春天。

46.It’s warm.天气暖和.

47.in spring在春天

48.It’s summer.现在是夏天

49.It’s hot.天气热.

50.in summer在夏天



53.in autumn.在秋天

54.It’s winter.现在是冬天。

55.It’s cold.天气很冷.


57.Happy New Year!新年快乐!

58.at Chinese New Year在春

59.eat dumplings吃饺子

60.come in进来

61.in the UK在英国

62.Christma stree圣诞树

63.Christmas present圣诞礼物


(一)喜欢和不喜欢句型:(module 1-2)

(1)A:What do you like? (你喜欢什么) What does he/she like? (他/她喜欢什么?)

B:I like jigsaws. (我喜欢拼图) He/She likes bikes.(他/她喜欢自行车)

(2)A:Do you like dolls? (你喜欢娃娃吗?)

B:Yes, I do./No, I don‘t. (是的,我喜欢/不,我不喜欢)

(3)I don’t like this party. (我不喜欢这个聚会)

He/She dosen‘t like these shoes. (他/她不喜欢这双鞋)

(二)have句型:(module 3)

(1)We have English in the morning. (早上我们有英语课)

(2)Do you have Maths in the afternoon? (下午你有数学课吗?)

Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (是的,我有。/不,我没有)

(三)时间句型:(module 4-5)

(1)A:What‘s the time now? (现在几点了?)

B:It’s 2 o‘clock. (两点了)

It’s half past 7. (7点半了)

(2)A:Is it 5 o‘clock? (是5点吗?)

B:Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

(3)I get up at 7 o‘clock in the morning. (我早上7点起床)

I have breakfast at half past 7 in the morning. (我早上7点半吃早饭)

(四)有关周末活动的.句型:(module 6-7)

(1)A:What do you do at the weekend? (周末你做什么?)

B:I watch TV. (我看电视)

(2)A:Do you play football at the weekend? (你周末踢足球吗?)

B:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

(3)A:Where do you play football? (你在哪踢足球?)

B:I play at the park. (我在公园踢)

(五)交通方式句型:(module 8)

(1)A:How do you go to school? (你怎么去学校?)

B:I go to school by bus.(我乘公共汽车去上学)

I walk to school. (我步行去学校)

(2)A:How does your father go to work? (你爸爸怎么去上班?)

B:He goes to work by bike. (他骑自行车去上班)

(3)A:Does Tom go to school by car? (Tom 乘小汽车去上学吗?)

B:Yes, he does./ No, he doesn‘t.

(六)有关四季的句型:(module 9)

(1)It’s spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter.

(2)It‘s warm/ hot/ cool/ cold.

(3 ) We wear jackets.

(七)有关新年的句型:(module 10)

Happy new year.(新年快乐)

Happy Christmas.(圣诞快乐)

We eat dumplings at Chinese new year. (在中国的新年我们吃饺子)



( ) 1. A .run B. read C. swim D .lamp

( ) 2. A. book B. bus C. ruler D. rubber

( ) 3. A. apple B. pear C. bear D. peach

( ) 4. A. eight B. cow C. four D. five

( ) 5. A. noodles B. gloves C. dress D. socks

( ) 6. A. desk B. door C. table D. cold

二.选择题: 16%

( )1. I ____ to sing. A. am B. can C. like

( )2.______ do you live? A. What B. Where C. Who

( )3.May I _______ some Coke? A. has B. have C. have got

( )4.Have ________ milk. A. an B. a C. some

( )5. Do you like to dance? Yes, ____________. A.I can B. I do C. I am

( )6. Winter is ______ cold. A. the B. an C./

( )7.Draw a bird ________ the ground.。 A. on B. to C. under

( )8. What __________is it? It’s green. A. / B. colour C. animal

( )9.“Oink, Oink”。 What do you _____? A. have B. hear C. look

( )10. It’s cold. ____________ your coat.。 A. Put on B. Take off C. Look at

( )11. How do you go to the park? __________ A. Get in the car. B. By car. C. Get off the car.

( )12. Have a biscuit, please. _________. A. I can. B. I like. C. Thank you.

( )13. Listen _____ the clock. A. to B. in C. on

( )14.Green light! We can go_______. A. stop B. fast C slow

( )15. Is it on the tree? Yes, _________. A. it not B. it is C. it is not

( )16. Go ________, spotty! A. there B. here C. where


( ) 1.What do you hear? A. We can draw.

( ) 2. What can you do? B. He’s my friend.

( ) 3. What do you see? C. I need new shoes.

( ) 4. Who is your friend? D. I hear ‘ Moo, moo’。

( ) 5. What do you need? E. I see a yellow tiger.


Hello, I’m May and I’m a girl. I ___1___ in Shanghai. I’ve got a bedroom. _____2_____ it, please, the lamp is ____3____ the desk. I love my bedroom and my family. I can do many things. I can clean the window, ____4___ the floor, read books and write. Today(今天), I want to(想要) go to a farm, but(但是) it is cold, the wind blows, blows and blows. So(所以) I ____5___ a coat, a hat and gloves to put on. My ffriend ask(问) me:“ _____6_____ do you go to the farm?”I reply(回答):“ ____7____ van.” I _____8_____ some hens, chicks, ducks, pigs, cows and sheep on the farm. I am very happy.

( ) 1. A. like B. love C. live

( ) 2. A. Look at B. Find C. Listen to

( ) 3. A. in B. under C. on

( ) 4. A. sleep B. sweep C. swim ( ) 5. A. am B. need C. do

( ) 6. A. How B. Where C. What ( ) 7. A. To B. Off C. By

( ) 8. A. listen B. see C. look


一 D B C B A D

二 C B B C B C A B B A B C A B B A

三 D A E B C

四 C A C B B A C B


