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He has a large income. 他有很高的收入。

He looks very healthy. 他看来很健康。

He paused for a reply. 他停下来等着回答。

He repaired his house. 他修理了他的房子。

He suggested a picnic. 他建议搞一次野餐。

Here`s a gift for you. 这里有个礼物送给你。

How much does it cost? 多少钱?

I caught the last bus. 我赶上了最后一班车。

I could hardly speak. 我简直说不出话来。

I`ll have to try that. 我得试试这么做。

I`m very proud of you. 我为你感到非常骄傲。

It doesn`t make sense. 这没有意义(不合常理)。

Make yourself at home. 请不要拘礼。

My car needs washing. 我的车需要洗一洗。

None of your business! 与你无关!

Not a sound was heard. 一点声音也没有。

That`s always the case. 习以为常了。

The road divides here. 这条路在这里分岔。

Those are watermelons. 那些是西瓜。

What a nice day it is! 今天天气真好!


What`s wrong with you? 你哪里不对劲?

You are a chicken. 你是个胆小鬼。

A lovely day,isn`t it? 好天气,是吗?

He is collecting money. 他在筹集资金。

He was born in New York. 他出生在纽约。

He was not a bit tired. 他一点也不累。

I will be more careful. 我会小心一些的,

I will never forget it. 我会记着的。

It is Just what I need. 这正是我所需要的。

It rather surprised me. 那事使我颇感惊讶。

Just around the comer. 就在附近。

Just for entertainment. 只是为了消遣一下。

Let bygones be bygones. 过去的,就让它过去吧。

Mother doesn`t make up. 妈妈不化妆。

Oh,you are kidding me. 哦,你别拿我开玩笑了。

She has been to school 她上学去了。

Skating is interesting. 滑冰很有趣。

Supper is ready at six. 晚餐六点钟就好了。

That`s a terrific idea! 真是好主意!

What horrible weather! 这鬼天气!


Which would you prefer? 你要选哪个?

Does she like ice-cream? 她喜欢吃冰淇淋吗?

First come first served. 先到先得。

Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。

He has a sense of humor. 他有幽默感。

He is acting an old man. 他正扮演一个老人。

He is looking for a job. 他正在找工作。

He doesn`t care about me. 他并不在乎我。

I develop films myself. 我自己冲洗照片。

I felt no regret for it. 对这件事我不觉得后悔。

I get up at six o`clock. 我六点起床。

I meet the boss himself. 我见到了老板本人。

I owe you for my dinner. 我欠你晚餐的钱。

I really enjoyed myself. 我玩得很开心。

I`m fed up with my work! 我对工作烦死了!

It`s no use complaining. 发牢骚没什么用。

She`s under the weather. 她心情不好。

The child sobbed sadly. 小孩伤心地抽泣着。

The rumor had no basis. 那谣言没有根据。

They praised him highly. 他们大大地表扬了他。


Winter is a cold season. 冬天是一个,寒冷的季节。

You can call me any time. 你可以随时call我。

divided by equals . 除以等于。

All for one,one for all. 我为人人,人人为我。

East,west,home is best. 金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝。

He grasped both my hands 他紧握住我的双手。

He is physically mature. 他身体己发育成熟。

I am so sorry about this. 对此我非常抱歉(遗憾)。

I can`t afford a new car. 我买不起一部新车。

I do want to see him now. 我现在确实很想去见他。

I have the right to know. 我有权知道。

I heard some one laughing. 我听见有人在笑。

I suppose you dance much. 我想你常常跳舞吧。

I walked across the park. 我穿过了公园。

I`ll just play it by ear. 我到时随机应变。

I`m not sure I can do it. 恐怕这事我干不了。

I`m not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。

Is the cut still painful? 伤口还在痛吗?

It`s too good to be true! 好得难以置信。

Jean is a blue-eyed girl. 珍是个蓝眼睛的女孩。


Let`s not waste our time. 咱们别浪费时间了。

May I ask some questions? 我可以问几个问题吗?

Money is not everything. 金钱不是一切。

Neither of the men spoke. 两个人都没说过话。

Stop making such a noise. 别吵了。

That makes no difference. 没什么区别。

The price is reasonable. 价格还算合理。

They crowned him king. 他们拥立他为国王。

They`re in red and white. 他们穿着红白相间的衣服。

We all desire happiness. 我们都想要幸福。

We just caught the plane. 我们刚好赶上了飞机。

What shall we do tonight? 我们今天晚上去干点儿什么呢?

What`s your goal in life? 你的人生目标是什么?

When was the house built? 这幢房子是什么时候建造的?

Why did you stay at home? 为什么呆在家里?

Would you like some help? 今天真漂亮!

You mustn`t aim too high. 你不可好高骛远。

You`re really killing me! 真是笑死我了!

You`ve got a point there. 你说得挺有道理的。

Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦!


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