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首先,这是雅思阅读的题型要求。在雅思官方给出的阅读14种题型中,有一种难度较大的题型: 段落信息配对题(Which paragraph contains the following information?)它需要考生读完所有的命题信息点后,去全文搜索命题所对应的段落。这对考生的阅读速度和搜索能力有着极高的要求。通常多数考生全篇撒网,漫无目的地找信息,结果不是“快而不准”就是严重超时。但是,若考生能提前洞悉文章的结构,就能了解命题信息点对应的文章大致范围,如文章靠前 的段落还是靠后的段落?

比如,剑桥5 test 3 passage 3中,有一道段落信息配对题,命题是:how AI might have a military impact. 根据该文章的标题:The Return o f Artificial Intelligence可知,关于命题中AI在军事上的影响应该放在靠后的段落进行说明,那么考生的选择范围至少缩小的一半。若考生没有针对性的全篇覆盖,即使做出题,也是严重超时。


最后,文章对应的考题一网打尽,提高速度。考生通常习惯了先读命题再去文章中找需要的相关信息进行解题,殊不知,这是一种比较冒险的做法,因为当定位 简单时这种方法的确最直接有效,但不能排除的是有的题定位难度很大,这时就只有文章结构阅读法才能很好的克服这个问题。

因此为了能将所有题一网打尽,考生应该在做题前快速地分析文章的结构和每段的主旨。结构出来了,作者的写作思路也就呼之欲出了,之后对应的2-4个题型就能得到迅速和准确的定位;此外,再 也不是一道道题去定位,而是整个题型从宏观上一起同时定位,做题的速度自然也得到很大的提升。

因此,想要在雅思阅读中克服难题,提高速度,进而冲高分,做题前一定要耐心地先读文章的结构,这也正解释了为什么在近期出炉的OCG (The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS)中给出的阅读第一个test tip(P45): Read the passage as quickly as possible (up to three minutes).

那么,雅思文章题材五花八门,内容生硬又专业,要看懂都不容易,如何能在短短的2-3分钟内梳理出文章的架构和作者的写作思路呢?事实上,正是因为雅 思文章的学术性和专业性,其文章结构和形式相对比较固定,于是我们就可以利用这一点来迅速掌握文章的结构了。在此,笔者将给考生们介绍常见的三种雅思文章结构类型。

I. 介绍说明类的文章


i. Introduce an object or a fact

ii. Detailed deions

iii. Significance

无论什么文章,首段通常都是引出主题,用客观描述性的语言来介绍,或者从背景部分切入,之后便是对该事物的具体展开描述了:事情的发展顺序,某个东西的具体特征介绍等等;最后结尾部分通常对该事物所带来了意义进行说明。如剑桥5T1P1 Johnson’s Dictionary, 在前三段交代完约翰逊字典出现的背景后,中间部分侧重交代字典的准备过程和具体的特征介绍,最后的部分描述了该字典给那个时代的社会,国家以及Johnson本人带来的重大意义。

II. 问题解决类的文章


i. Introduce a phenomenon or a problem

ii. Causes

iii. Effects

iv. Measures or future

这一类的文章倾向的是介绍一些消极负面的环境自然类问题,警惕世人引起大家的关注,因此它的几个构成要素也跟明确。同样先引出主题,之后对该现象进行 原因分析,影响分析(通常是负面的影响),鉴于严重的消极影响该采取的相应措施被提出,但如果有的问题暂时没有对策,还有待解决,作者就寄希望于未来。

考生如果对这种结构悉数于心,当碰到剑桥5T4P1的list of headings就能迅速又准确得解答出来。该文章一共10段,分成section A, B, C, 对应的考题是list of headings, 即找出三个小标题分别给A, B, C三个部分。按考试标准时间只有4-5分钟,但考生却要读完整篇文章10段才能解答出三道题,时间上和效率上都是很难达到要求的。这时,大家可以考虑用文 章的结构来解题。该文章的标题是The Impact of Wilderness Tourism, 不难发现该文章是在描述野外旅游给环境带来的负面影响。于是按照上面的具体结构,考生就能快速抓住文章的要点,即原因,影响及措施。题目给出的6个选项中 大家能快速的发现这三个选项:

ii. How local communities can balance their own needs with the demands of

wilderness tourism.

iii. Fragile regions and the reasons for the expansion of tourism there.

v. Some of the disruptive effects of wilderness tourism.


III. 实验结果类的文章


i. Introduce an experiment and its purpose

ii. Subject, methods

iii. Process

iv. Result

v. Analysis

vi. Conclusion

实验类的文章必定先介绍实验的目的,具体受试者和相关要素,然后进入实验的具体过程,最后到最关键的部分,就是对数据的描述和分析,从而得出结论。剑桥真题系列上的是实验类文章几乎都是这样固定的结构。如剑桥5T1P2 Nature or Nurture? 通过阅读每段的首句不难梳理出全篇文章的结构:A段引出实验并介绍实验的目的。B段介绍实验的受试者和相关的准备信息。C段是实验的具体过程。D和E段是数据结果(一个是期望的结果,一个是实际的结果)。FGH三段分别从不同的角度来分析这些结果。最后一段I得出结论。


Selling Digital Music without Copy-protection Makes Sense


It was uncharacteristically low-key for the industry’s greatest showman. But the essay published this week by Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, on his firm’s website under the unassuming title “Thoughts on Music” has nonetheless provoked a vigorous debate about the future of digital music, which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store. At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft. Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another. Apple’s DRM system, called FairPlay, is the most widespread. So it came as a surprise when Mr. Jobs called for DRM for digital music to be abolished.


This is a change of tack for Apple. It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers. Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling), any iTunes buyer will be deterred from switching to a device made by a rival firm, such as Sony or Microsoft. When French lawmakers drafted a bill last year compelling Apple to open up FairPlay to rivals, the company warned of “state-sponsored piracy”. Only DRM, it implied, could keep the pirates at bay.


This week Mr. Jobs gave another explanation for his former defence of DRM: the record companies made him do it. They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM. They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised. Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly. All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation. So, he suggests, why not do away with DRM and sell music unprotected? “This is clearly the best alternative for consumers,” he declares, “and Apple would embrace it in a heartbeat.”


Why the sudden change of heart? Mr Jobs seems chiefly concerned with getting Europe’s regulators off his back. Rather than complaining to Apple about its use of DRM, he suggests, “those unhappy with the current situation should redirect their energies towards persuading the music companies to sell their music DRM-free.” Two and a half of the four big record companies, he helpfully points out, are European-owned. Mr Jobs also hopes to paint himself as a consumer champion. Apple resents accusations that it has become the Microsoft of digital music.


Apple can afford to embrace open competition in music players and online stores. Consumers would gravitate to the best player and the best store, and at the moment that still means Apple’s. Mr Jobs is evidently unfazed by rivals to the iPod. Since only 3% of the music in a typical iTunes library is protected, most of it can already be used on other players today, he notes. (And even the protected tracks can be burned onto a CD and then re-ripped.) So Apple’s dominance evidently depends far more on branding and ease of use than DRM-related “lock in”.


The music giants are trying DRM-free downloads. Lots of smaller labels already sell music that way. Having seen which way the wind is blowing, Mr Jobs now wants to be seen not as DRM’s defender, but as a consumer champion who helped in its downfall. Wouldn’t it lead to a surge in piracy? No, because most music is still sold unprotected on CDs, people wishing to steal music already can do so. Indeed, scrapping DRM would probably increase online-music sales by reducing confusion and incompatibility. With the leading online store, Apple would benefit most. Mr Jobs’s argument, in short, is transparently self-serving. It also happens to be right.

Questions 1-7

Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

Write your answer in Boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

TRUE if the statement reflets the claims of the writer

FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossbile to say what the writer thinks about this

1. Apple enjoys a controlling position in digital music market with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store.

2. DRM is a government decree issued with a purpose to protect downloaded music from theft by consumers.

3. Lack of standardization in DRM makes songs bought for one kind of music player may not function on another.

4. Apple has been criticized by European regulators since it has refused to grant a license FairPlay to other firms.

5. All music can be easily played on non-iPod music devices from Sony or Microsoft without too much fiddling.

6. Apple depends far more on DRM rather than branding for its dominance of the digital music devices.

7. If DRM was cancelled, Sony would certainly dominate the international digital music market.

Questions 8-10

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 8-10 on your answe sheet.

8. Which of the following statements about Mr. Jobs’ idea of DRM is NOT TRUE?

A. DRM places restrictions on consumer’ choice of digital music products available.

B. DRM comples iTunes buyers to switch to a device made by Sony or Microsoft.

C. DRM constitutes a barrier for potential consumers to enter digital music markets.

D. DRM hinders development of more stores and players and technical innovation.

9. The word “unfazed” in line 3 of paragraph E, means___________.

A. refused

B. welcomed

C. not bothered

D. not well received

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE if DRM was scapped?

A. Sony would gain the most profit.

B. More customers would be “locked in”.

C. A sudden increase in piracy would occur.

D. Online-music sales would probably decrease.

Questions 11-14

Complete the notes below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.

Mr. Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, explains the reason why he used to defend DRM, saying that the company was forced to do so: the record companies would make their music accessible to …11...only if they agreed to protect it using DRM; they can still…12…if the DRM system is compromised. He also provides the reason why Apple did not license FairPlay to others: the company relies on them to …13….But now he changes his mind with a possible expectation that Europe’s regulators would not trouble him any more in the future. He proposes that those who are unsatisfactory with the current situation in digital music market should …14… towards persuade the music companies to sell their music DRM-free.

Part II

Notes to Reading Passage 1

1. low-key:


2. showman:

开展览会的人, 出风头的人物

3. unassuming:

谦逊的, 不夸耀的, 不装腔作势的

4. iPod:


5. iTunes store:


6. get off person’s back:


7. gravitate:


8. unfazed:


Part III

Keys and explanations to the Questions 1-13


See the second sentence in Paragraph A “… the future of digital music, which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store.”


See the third sentence in Paragraph A “…At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft.”


See the fourth sentence in Paragraph A “Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another.”


See the second sentence in Paragraph B “It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers.”


The third sentence in Paragaph B only mentions music from the iTunes store, nothing about that of Sony or Microsoft. “Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling).”


See the last sentence in Paragraph E “So Apple’s dominance evidently depends far more on branding and ease of use than DRM-related “lock in”.


See the fourth sentence in Paragraph F only mentions music generally, no particular information about business prospect of Sony “Indeed, scrapping DRM would probably increase online-music sales by reducing confusion and incompatibility.”

8. B

See the fourth sentence of Paragraph C “All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation.”

9. C

See the third sentence of Paragraph E and the context “Mr Jobs is evidently unfazed by rivals to the iPod. Since only 3% of the music in a typical iTunes library is protected, most of it can already be used on other players today.”

10. A

See the last four sentences of Paragraph F “Wouldn’t it lead to a surge in piracy? No, because most music is still sold unprotected on CDs, people wishing to steal music already can do so. Indeed, scrapping DRM would probably increase online-music sales by reducing confusion and incompatibility. With the leading online store, Apple would benefit most.”

11. the iTunes store

See the second sentence of Paragraph C “They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM.”

12. withdraw their catalogues

See the third sentence of Paragraph C “They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised.”

13. produce security fixes

See the fourth sentence of Paragraph C “Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly.”

14. redirect their energies

See the second sentence of Paragraph D “Rather than complaining to Apple about its use of DRM, he suggests, “those unhappy with the current situation should redirect their energies towards persuading the music companies to sell their music DRM-free.”


★ 实例分析雅思高分写作的结构

★ 雅思阅读中出现的5种句型结构分析

★ 雅思阅读句型结构分析之名词性从句详解



