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1. be going to 结构

① 表示主语计划、打算做某事。这种打算常经过预先考虑并含有自己做好某些准备的意思,因此通常认为用be going to表达的行动很可能会见诸实践。

I’m going to play basketball with my classmates this Sunday.


She is going to buy a sweater for her mother.



Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain.


2. will + 动词原形

表示单纯的将来事实,常与表将来的时间状语如:tomorrow, soon, later, next time(week/month/year…)等连用。will not = won’t; 缩略形式为’ll.

① 表示作出立即的决定。这种意图并未经过事先的考虑或计划,是临时的一种决定。

---Please put your things away, Tom. 汤姆,把你的东西收拾好。

---I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away. 对不起。我马上就去做。

② 表示预测。指说话人对于将来的看法、假设和推测。

I’m sure our team will win next time. 我确信下次我们队会赢。

Maybe she will go to the gym. 也许她会去体育馆。

③ 表示许诺。

I’ll do better next time. 下次我会做得更好的。

I’ll visit you tomorrow. 明天我会去看你的。

句式:肯定句:I/She/He/They will go to play baseball soon.

否定句:I/She/He/They won’t go to play baseball soon.

一般疑问句:Will you/she/he/they go to play baseball soon?

回答:Yes, I/she/he/they will. No, I/she /he/they won’t.

3. 动词plan, come, go, leave等瞬时动词用现在进行时表示将要发生的事。

I’m coming. 我就来。

He is leaving for Shanghai. 他将到上海去。

We are going to Beijing. 我们将去北京。



1.on weekends

2.on weekdays

3.as for

4.my eating habits

5.have a healthy lifestyle

6.the same as

7.the result of

8.junk food

9.get good grades

10.see a dentist

11.have a healthy habit

12.be stressed out

13.a balanced diet

14.for example

15.at the moment

16.be sorry to do sth

17.go bike riding

18.take walks=go for walk

19.take a vacation

20.plan to do sth

21.western country

22.take sth with sb

23.depend on

24.host family

25.hardly ever

26.ask sb about sth

27.get back to school

28.a balance of

29.kind of


考点1.want sb to do sth 想要某人干某事

His father wants him_____(become )an actor.

考点2.try 的用法:

1).try to do sth 尽力干某事

He tries ______(eat) lots of vegetables and fruit every day .

2).try not to do sth 尽力不干某事

We try______(not let) my teacher down.

3).try one’s best to do sth 尽某人努力干某事

We should try our best ______ (study) all subjects.

4)词组: try on 试穿 have a try 试一试

考点3.although 的用法:

although /though 引导让步状语从句,“即使,虽然”,不能与but 连用,但可与yet, still 连用。

考点4.finish doing sth 结束干某事

I will finish______ (work )out the problem in another two minutes .

考点5.can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地干某事

I can’t wait _____(open)the TV when I get home .

考点6.decide 的用法:

1).decide to do sth 决定干某事

2).decide not do sth 决定不干某事

3).decide on doing sth 决定干某事


make a decision to do sth = make up one’s mind to do sth = decide to do sth

He has decided to leave for Wuhan .=

He has ______ a _____ to leave for Wuhan.=

He has ____up his_____ to leave for Wuhan.

考点7.plan to do sth 计划干某事

She is planning ______(take )a vacation in Shanghai next month .

考点8.think about doing sth 考虑干某事

He thought about ______(go ) to Beijing on vacation .

考点9.go + v-ing 的用法:

go fishing go boating go skating go shopping go hiking go skateboarding

考点10.句型: It’s + adj +for /of sb to do sth


1).It’s +adj +for sb +to do sth = To do sth + be +adj

2).It’s +adj +of sb +to do sth = Sb +be +adj + to do sth

It is very friendly of you to help me .=_____ _____ friendly to help me .

It’s very hard for you to work out the math problem .=

______ _____ out the math problem is very hard for you .


1. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人某些时间去做某事,例如:

It takes me twenty minutes to get to school on foot every morning.每天早晨我步行到学校要花费二十分钟。

It will take three hours to finish the work.完成那项工作需要花费三个小时。

2.depend v. 依靠,依赖depend(常与on, upon连用)视情况而定

It all depends on how you tackle the problem.那要看你如何应付这问题而定。

Children must depend on their parents.孩子们必须依赖他们的父母

3.How do you get to/reach/arrive at school? 你怎样到达学校?

I ride to school./ I get to school by bike.骑车

I take a bus to school. / I get to school by bus.做公共汽车

I take the subway to get to school./I get to school by subway.坐地铁

I walk./ I get to scool on foot 走着去

4 .on/in+修饰词(形容词性物主代词;名词所有格;冠同等)+交通工具,强调乘坐某种交通工具。For example:

Jack goes to school on his bike.杰克骑车去学校

Mr. Green goes to work in his car every day. 格林先生每天开车去上班

5. How does Lucy go to school?(单三)路西怎么去学校?

She rides her bike. 她骑车去

6. How long does it take?那要花多长时间?

It takes twenty minutes. 花20分钟

7 .How long does it take them to get to the bus station?到汽车站得多久?

It takes them about two hours to get to the bus station.用了他们两个小时

8. How far is it from his home to school? 从家到学校有多远?

It is five miles. 五英里

9. We waited at the bus stop. 我们在公共汽车站等(车)。

10.The old man lives on a small pension.老人靠一小笔退休金生活。

11. I've never heard of anyone doing that. 我从未听说有人做那种事。

12. A town is bigger than a village but smaller than a city. town通常指“城镇、集镇、小镇”,对应于country/countryside.有时指城市里的闹市区或商业中心。

13. until用于肯定句中,表示动作一直持续到until所表示的时间为止。

I will wait here until the concert is over.我将一直在这儿等到音乐会结束。

14. not…until用于否定句中,表示动作的转折。意思为“直到……才”


She can't leave until Friday.在星期五之前她不能离开


