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navy有 海军,船队的意思。那它的用法是怎样的呢?今天小编给大家带来了navy的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 海军,船队



navy的意思是“海军”, the Navy〔navy〕指“海军部队”,是可数集合名词,用作主语时其谓语可用作单数形式,也可用作复数形式。


He is a gunner of the British navy.他是英国海军的一名炮手。

Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China.北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。

The army, navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defense.陆海空军皆由国防部控制。


1、The Navy is to carry out an examination of the wreck tomorrow.


2、There was very little snobbery or class-consciousness in the wartime navy.


3、Banks spent his national service in the Royal Navy.


navy词组 | 习惯用语

navy blue 深蓝色;藏青色

royal navy (英)皇家海军

united states navy 美国海军

navy yard n. 海军工厂;海军船坞


1.My parents designed me for the navy.我的父母打算要我去当海军。

2.He is an admiral in the US Navy.他是美国海军上将。

3.The navy is one of the armed forces.海军是三军之一。

4.The whole navy was placed on full alert.整个海军都处于全面戒备状态。

5.He has served in the navy since 1959.自1959年以来, 他一直在海军服役。

6.I wouldn't be seen dead in a navy suit.我死都不会穿海军服的。

7.He has transferred from the army to the navy.他从陆军转到海军。

8.The army, navy and air forces are coordinate armed services.陆军、海军和空军是并行的军种。

9.The navy had a large share in bringing about the victory.海军对于获胜有很大贡献。

10.Were men for the Navy recruited from men on merchant ships?海军的人员是从商船的水手中征募的吗?

11.The Navy furloughed him and never called him back to active duty.海军准他休假,再也没有将他召回来服役。

12.The armed forces of a country are is army, navy and airforce.一个国家的武装力量是它的陆海空三军。

13.My son is in the navy.我儿子在海军里。

14.The army, navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defence.海陆空三军均由国防部管辖。

15.The Caracal Navy Issue now receives a missile velocity bonus for heavy assault missiles.狞獾海军型舰船现在有重型攻导的速度加成。

16.The "Afternoon Dress" by Paul Poiret, is a navy and red-block printed silk faille dress from 1923.这条“午后长裙”是波烈1923年的作品。裙身由海军蓝和红色方块图案构成。

17.The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench.法国海军已经建造了一个深海潜水器,用来装载三个人去到马利亚纳海沟的基底。

18.Developed before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Dreadnaught heavy cruisers are among the oldest vessels in active service in the Imperial Navy.无畏级重型巡洋舰是在克隆人战争爆发前开发的,是帝国舰队中正在服役的最老的舰种之一。

19.The boys in their grubby navy bow ties and blue uniforms were indistinguishably horrid—nose-pickers, thumbsuckers, snorers, neer-do-wells, farters, burpers, the unwashed and unclean.戴着肮脏的海军领、穿着蓝色校服的男生无一例外地令人恐惧——挖鼻子、吮手指、打鼾、不干好事、放屁、打嗝,穿衣服不洗,邋邋遢遢。

20.Wearing a navy blazer and conservative tie, unpressed khakis, and brown leather sneakers, he looked more like a college senior dressed for a job interview than an internationally famous writer.身着一件海军装夹克搭配暗色领带,未熨烫的卡其长裤,和一双棕色皮革运动鞋,他的穿着看起来更像一个大学高年纪生参加面试而不是一个国际知名的作家。


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